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Read ebook - Street Vending in the Neoliberal City : A Global Perspective on the Practices and Policies of a Marginalized Economy (2015, Hardcover) DJV


Examining street vending as a global, urban, and informalized practice found both in the Global North and Global South, this volume presents contributions from international scholars working in cities as diverse as Berlin, Dhaka, New York City, Los Angeles, Calcutta, Rio de Janeiro, and Mexico City. The aim of this global approach is to repudiate the assumption that street vending is usually carried out in the Southern hemisphere and to reveal how it also represents an essential-and constantly growing-economic practice in urban centers of the Global North. Although street vending activities vary due to local specificities, this anthology illustrates how these urban practices can also reveal global ties and developments., The volume examines street vending as a global, urban and informalized practice found both in the Global North and Global South. Essays by international scholars examine street vending activities and urban policies in cities as diverse as Berlin, Dhaka, New York City, Los Angeles, Calcutta, Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City. The aim of this global approach is to repudiate the assumption that street vending is usually carried out in the Southern hemisphere and to reveal how it also represents an essential - and constantly growing - economic practice in urban centers of the Global North. Although street vending activities vary due to local specificities, the anthology illustrates how this urban practice is also able to reveal global ties and developments., This volume examines street vending as a global, urban, and informalized practice found both in the Global North and Global South. Drawing on the work of international scholars, the collection examines street vending activities and urban policies in cities as diverse as Berlin, Dhaka, New York City, Los Angeles, Calcutta, Rio de Janeiro and Mexico City. The aim of this global approach is to repudiate the assumption that street vending is usually carried out in the Southern hemisphere and to reveal how it also represents an essential-and constantly growing-economic practice in urban centers of the Global North. Although street vending activities vary due to local specificities, this anthology illustrates how the urban practice can also reveal global ties and developments.

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